Information for Swiss Investors
PCA SICAV-SIF, SCA is authorized for distribution in Switzerland :
- The representative in Switzerland is CACEIS (Switzerland) S.A. (the “Swiss Representative”), Route de Signy 35,CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland
- The paying agent in Switzerland is CACEIS Bank Luxembourg, Nyon branch, with its registered office at, Route de Champ-Colin 2C, CH-1260 Nyon.
- Place where the relevant documents may be obtained :The Prospectus, the Articles of association as well as the annual reports may be obtained free of charge from the Swiss Representative.
Accessing the present website requires accepting the following Terms and Conditions:
This website is provided by PCA PROVALIA. The users of the present website are responsible for ensuring that the legislation applicable to them, based on their country of domicile and residence, allows them to consult this website. The users represent that they have the necessary means and skills to access this website and use it.
Art 1 : Nature of the information disclosed by this website:
This website includes information on:
(i) The private limited liability company PCA PROVALIA which is regulated and incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;
(ii) a corporate partnership limited by shares (Société en Commandite par Actions (SCA)) incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as an investment company with variable share capital (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV)), established as a specialized investment fund (Fond d’Investissement Spécialisé (SIF)) and named PCA SICAV SIF, SCA hereafter mentioned as “The Fund”.
As « General Partner » of The Fund, PCA PROVALIA has the responsibility for defining and implementing the management of such Fund about which information is disclosed in this website.
Art. 2: Restricted access to the information of this website :
The Fund is governed by the Luxembourg law of 13 February 2007 and is not aimed at the general public but is reserved for “Well Informed Investors” which means institutional investors, professional investors as well as any other investor who fulfils the following conditions:
a) they have declared in writing their adhesion to the informed investor status and
b) they have invested a minimum of EUR 125,000.- in The Fund, or (ii) they benefit from the appreciation, from a credit institution within the meaning of Directive 2006/48/EC, an investment company within the meaning of Directive 2004/39/EC or a management company within the meaning of Directive 2001/107/EC certifying his expertise, experience and his knowledge to appreciate in an adequate way the investment made in The Fund.
Therefore, the information contained in this website is only for "Well Informed Investors" as defined in Article 2 of the Luxembourg law of February 13, 2007 on the SIF as mentioned above.
By Clicking “ I agree with the following Terms and conditions and accept them ” here below, the users confirm that they are “Well Informed Investors” as defined here above, that they are eligible to gain access to this website and that they acknowledge that material and information located herein is not for publication, reproduction or circulation to the general public.
Art 3: The content of this website is for information only
This website is provided for Information only. The information contained on this website does not constitute legal or fiscal advice nor does it provide specific investment advice (whether in the form of guidance, recommendations or proposals of a financial nature).
Prospective investors should inform themselves and take appropriate independent advice, both to evaluate the information contained herein and regarding applicable legal, taxation and exchange control regulations in their countries of citizenship, residence or domicile which may be relevant to the acquisition, holding, transfer, redemption or disposal of an investment in The Fund.
Any investment should be made on the basis of the prospectus, which has been approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF, the Luxembourg financial supervisory authority) and which is available on the present website, as well as any other legal or non-legal documents (articles of incorporation, audited annual reports, fund factsheet etc…) which may be available on this website or which can be obtained free of charge from the registered office of PCA PROVALIA.
Nothing contained in this website constitutes an offer (private or public) to buy, or a solicitation to sell shares, or an investment advice. Nothing contained in this website is legally or contractually binding (except the present Terms and Conditions).
This website and all documentation are disclosed on a confidential basis and only for discussion purposes. It may be supplemented or amended by PCA PROVALIA at any time. The information is intended solely for use by our clients or prospective clients, selected in accordance with our investment criteria, and should not be reproduced or distributed. This document is not for distribution in the United States.
Art 4: Investment Risks
Past performance does not guarantee future returns.
Before entering into any transaction, the users must ensure that they fully understand its potential risks and rewards and independently determine that it is appropriate for them given their objectives, experience, financial resources, and other relevant circumstances.
PCA PROVALIA cautions that the value of investments in The Fund, and the income derived, may fluctuate and it is possible that an investor may incur losses, including a loss of the principal invested.
Investors whose reference currency differs from that in which the underlying assets are invested may be subject to exchange rate movements that alter the value of their investments.
Art 5: Exclusion and limitation of liability
PCA PROVALIA shall not be held liable for any use of this information or any resulting consequences, particularly in terms of the decisions that may be made or actions that may be taken based on this information.
Market data and industry forecasts which may be used on this website are obtained from various publicly available sources. Although PCA PROVALIA believes that these independent sources are generally reliable, the accuracy and completeness of such information is not guaranteed and has not been independently verified.
The information contained on this website is for general informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. PCA PROVALIA accepts no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in the information provided or for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of all or any part of this website. The information contained on this website is unaudited, unless explicitly specified otherwise. This website is not intended to provide specific individual advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax. To this effect, the users should contact their own professional advisor as to their specific situations.
The information provided on the website is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any country or jurisdiction where to do so would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject PCA PROVALIA or The Fund to any registration requirements within these jurisdictions. In any case, persons who are subject to such restrictions, such as US persons or non-so-called "well-Informed Investors" are not permitted access to information contained herein.
PCA PROVALIA disclaims, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind, including any direct, indirect or consequential damages, which might be incurred through the use of or access to the PCA PROVALIA website, or any links to third-party websites.
Furthermore, PCA PROVALIA disclaims all liability for any tampering with the Internet user's computer system by unauthorized parties. In this regard, PCA PROVALIA expressly reminds of the risk of viruses, and the possibility of targeted attacks by hackers. In order to combat viruses, it is recommended that the most recent browser versions be used, and that anti-virus software be installed and continually updated. As a rule, the opening of any e-mail from an unknown source as well as any unexpected attachment to an e-mail message should be avoided.
Art 6: Prohibition of Late Trading and Market Timing
Luxembourg investment vehicles do not authorize late trading nor market timing practices and reserve the right to refuse subscription and conversion orders from an investor suspected of practicing late trading or market timing and, where necessary, to take the necessary measures to protect the shareholders.
Late trading means the acceptance of a subscription, conversion or redemption order received after the cut-off time for acceptance of orders on the relevant transaction date and its execution at the price based on the net asset value applicable that day.
Market timing means the arbitrage technique whereby an investor subscribes to and redeems or converts systematically shares in a fund over a short period of time by exploiting the time differences and/or imperfections or deficiencies of a system for calculating the net asset value of The Fund.
Subscription, conversion or redemption orders received after the cut-off time for acceptance of orders on the relevant transaction date will be refused and execution at the price based on the net asset value applicable that day will not be possible.
Art 7: Copyright
The reproduction or the usage of any part or the entire website by any mean is strictly forbidden without a preliminary written consent of PCA PROVALIA.
Art 8: Conflict of provisions
Any special agreements with respect to PCA PROVALIA and The Fund shall be complementary to these terms and conditions, although in the event of any conflict, the provisions contained in any such special agreements shall prevail.
Art 9 : Governing law
This website is governed by the Law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Any legal proceedings involving this website must be brought before The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg’s courts.
PCA PROVALIA SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée), a Portfolio management company, with a share capital of 12.500,00 euros, having its registered office 2, boulevard de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg Grand Duchy de Luxembourg.
I have read the following Terms and Conditions and accept them: